Two Society members undertook a litter clearance on a Sunday afternoon in wonderful weather. They parked at Abel Heath Farm and roamed most of the site collecting three bags full some of which could be recycled.
It was quite extraordinary just how casually some people had discarded their rubbish, which ranged from bottles & cans to a muslin curtain and a long carbon-fibre tent pole.
A bank of primroses is in full bloom, the various escapees (daffodils and grape hyacynths) are doing well (!), the rabbits are lurking and two hares were spotted (not by us but we did disturb a common toad under an old carpet). There seems to be some rather dead-looking gorse at the moment but time will tell. The tree blossoms are coming and going rapidly. Wendy has reported (16) species of wild flower at the moment.
Alan mentions a pair of buzzards on the fringe over Oulton and the Barn owl is taking an interest in the nesting box at the farm. It is regularly quartering the Heath. It is worth getting up there to enjoy the spring scene and weather.