
Titchwell RSPB Reserve (30 April 2011)




The weather was warm bright and blustery as 16 members and friends made their way to Titchwell RSPB reserve for a days bird-watching.

The songs of the blackcap and chiff chaff greeted them as they arrived in the car park. They walked the main footpath to the beach where the strong wind spoilt any chance of sea watching, so they retraced their steps back to the new hides from where they could watch a good selection of waders and ducks including avocets, blacktailed godwits, common sandpiper, whimbrel, little ringed plover, Sandwich, common and little terns.

There were two or three white wagtails along with the more common pied wagtail. A few over wintering Brent geese remained, looking out of place on this late spring day.

Lunch was taken in the sheltered picnic area where great tits and blue tits were nesting in the bird boxes. Orange tip and white butterflies added to the scene along with several red damselflies. A distant call of the cuckoo was heard.

After lunch a woodland walk to the Fen Hide produced good views of sedge warbler, chiff chaff and blackcap and from the hide swallows, house martins and a lone marsh harrier were seen over the reedbeds.

As the visit was nearing its end and it was time to make their way home the group had recorded sightings of 57 species while 4 had been heard but not seen.

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