
RSPB Titchwell Marsh Saturday 15 September 2012

Male-RuffLapwing immatureJuvenile Ruff



Perfect weather conditions greeted us – a warm, windless day of 22° made the usual layers of clothing unnecessary.

Ten of us met at the Visitor Centre at 10.30 and we eagerly set off to explore the new trail past the Fen Hide (and one lucky ruddy duck) south of the freshwater marsh and up the east bank half way along this first marsh.

The wide trail has screens that allow for good viewing with high shelves on which to rest the arms – less scope for resting one’s legs over the kilometre plus walk! No doubt more benches will be appear in time…Beyond the reedbeds where bearded tits flitted, the open water begins and here the trail ends.

Large white birds in the distance were not swans but spoonbills and a pair later swooped close in front of Parrinder Hide while we enjoyed lunch and a rest.

Watching the usual ducks and waders feeding or resting as the sun glinted over the water, one could not fail to be refreshed by the peace and beauty of the scene. And so we pushed on, along the west bank and down to the beach, but here the tide was out and waders distant.

Walking back, two birders kindly pointed out to us pectoral sandpiper and curlew sandpiper in their scopes. These birds were the highlight for the author whose final tally was 53 species - a few less than our expert’s!

We left at 4 pm, weary but elated.


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